Sonntag, 17. Juli 2011

Poker Stars AHK Script vom 12.Aprill 2011

;StarsHotkeys V1.008.1a
;added border by merging portions of TableNavigator - thanks to Wickss + Original Authors of TableNavigator - CheeseMoney

; #SingleInstance ignore
#SingleInstance, force ; changed by CheeseMoney - allows script to be reloaded
SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
;#Include NextWindow.ahk
SysGet, border, 32 ; added by CheeseMoney - needed for PostStarsClick
SysGet, caption, 4 ; added by CheeseMoney - needed for PostStarsClick
caption := border + caption ; added by CheeseMoney - needed for PostStarsClick
SendHotKeyOnlyWhenStarsIsActive = 0 ; added by CheeseMoney - needed for PostStarsClick
debug = 0

Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, TRAY, Add, Settings, Settings
Menu, TRAY, Default, Settings
Menu, TRAY, Add, Reload, Reload
Menu, TRAY, Add, Edit, Edit ; added by CheeseMoney for easy script editing
Menu, TRAY, Add, Exit, Quit

GroupAdd, PSTables, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass


;VxE's Joystick Watch Script
; thread here
JoystickRefreshTime := 5

if AutoRegister



if TakeSeat

If (EnableJoyMovement)
SetTimer, WatchAxis, %JoystickRefreshTime%
SetKeyDelay, -1
SetTimer, WatchAxis, off
SetKeyDelay, 10

If CheckWhenFree

If CloseMsgBox


If activatetableundermouse

;highlightactivetable = 1
If highlightactivetable ; added by CheeseMoney
HighLight() ; added by CheeseMoney - may rewrite as a timer in future versions

Sleep 100

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;JOYSTICK SECTION;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor Joystick and send fake F-key - program then waits ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; for these hotkeys and acts on them for table navigation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; VxE's Joystick Watch Script
; thread here
;SetTimer, WatchAxis, 5
;SetKeyDelay -1
GetKeyState, JoyX, JoyX ; Get position of X axis.
GetKeyState, JoyY, JoyY ; Get position of Y axis.
KeyToHoldDownPrev := KeyToHoldDown
YKeyToHoldDownPrev := YKeyToHoldDown
; KeyToHoldDown := ( JoyX > 70 ? "F15" : ( JoyX < 30 ? "F13" : "" )) ; YKeyToHoldDown := ( JoyY > 70 ? "F16" : ( JoyY < 30 ? "F14" : "" )) KeyToHoldDown := ( JoyX > 70 ? NextWindow_Right_Alt1 : ( JoyX < 30 ? NextWindow_Left_Alt1 : "" )) YKeyToHoldDown := ( JoyY > 70 ? NextWindow_Down_Alt1 : ( JoyY < 30 ? NextWindow_Up_Alt1 : "" )) if ( YKeyToHoldDown != YKeyToHoldDownPrev ) Send % "{blind}" . (( YKeyToHoldDownPrev ? "{" . YKeyToHoldDownPrev . " up}" : "" ) . ( YKeyToHoldDown ? "{" . YKeyToHoldDown . " down}" : "" )) if ( KeyToHoldDown != KeyToHoldDownPrev ) Send % "{blind}" . (( KeyToHoldDownPrev ? "{" . KeyToHoldDownPrev . " up}" : "" ) . ( KeyToHoldDown ? "{" . KeyToHoldDown . " down}" : "" )) ;if (Debug) ; traytip,,NextWindow_Up_Alt1: %NextWindow_Up_Alt1% return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- act: act() return act() { winget,list,list, Logged In ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass wingetclass,class,A wingettitle,title,A ifwinnotactive,ahk_id%list1% { if class=PokerStarsTableFrameClass if instr(title, "Logged In") winactivate,ahk_id%list1% } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TakeSeat() { IfWinExist, PokerStars ahk_class #32770 { WinGet, list, list, Seat Available ahk_class #32770 Loop, %list% { This_id := list%A_Index% ControlFocus, Button2, ahk_id%this_id% Sleep, -1 ControlSend, Button2, {SPACE}, ahk_id%this_id% } } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IsTableNew() { global WinGetActiveTitle, T StringTrimRight, T, T, 1 If (T<>Oldtitle)
IfWinActive ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
winget, idnew, id, A
WinGetPos, A, B, w, h, ahk_id %idnew%
SysGet, xbord, 32
SysGet, ybord, 33
SysGet, cap, 4
w := w - (2*xbord)
h := h - (2*ybord) - cap
if (h>200) and (w>200)
If Autoopeninfo
If BlackTheme
Transform, X, Round, W*0.4210
Transform, Y, Round, H*0.7690
Transform, X, Floor, W*0.4210
Transform, Y, Floor, H*0.7690
If ClassicTheme
Transform, X, Round, W*0.2631
Transform, Y, Round, H*0.7584
Transform, X, Floor, W*0.2631
Transform, Y, Floor, H*0.7584
If SlickTheme
Transform, X, Round, W*0.4108
Transform, Y, Round, H*0.8029
Transform, X, Floor, W*0.4108
Transform, Y, Floor, H*0.8029
If CustomTheme
Transform, X, Round, W*0.3249
Transform, Y, Round, H*0.7832
Transform, X, Floor, W*0.3249
Transform, Y, Floor, H*0.7832
PostLeftClick(X, Y, idnew, 0)
If autorefreshinfo
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, A
If BlackTheme
Transform, X, Round, W*0.4210
Transform, Y, Round, H*0.8156
Transform, X, Floor, W*0.4210
Transform, Y, Floor, H*0.8156
If ClassicTheme
Transform, X, Round, W*0.2631
Transform, Y, Round, H*0.8093
Transform, X, Floor, W*0.2631
Transform, Y, Floor, H*0.8093
If SlickTheme
Transform, X, Round, W*0.4108
Transform, Y, Round, H*0.8516
Transform, X, Floor, W*0.4108
Transform, Y, Floor, H*0.8516
If CustomTheme
Transform, X, Round, W*0.3249
Transform, Y, Round, H*0.8338
Transform, X, Floor, W*0.3249
Transform, Y, Floor, H*0.8338
ControlGet, Z, Visible,,PokerStarsChatClass1, ahk_id %idnew%
if not Z
ControlGet, Z, Visible,,PokerStarsNoteEditorClass1, ahk_id %idnew%
if not Z
PostLeftClick(X, Y, idnew, 0)
If MouseJump
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, A
MouseMove (X*0.5),(Y*0.5), 1
If SendCtrl
Send {Ctrl}
Oldtitle =%T%

If winactive("ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass") or winactive("PokerStars Lobby")
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %WinID%
if (class="PokerStarsTableFrameClass") or (instr(title,"PokerStars Lobby"))
winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
IfWinExist Tournament Registration
;Control, Check,,Button1, Tournament Registration
ControlFocus, OK, Tournament Registration
ControlClick, OK, Tournament Registration
IfWinExist, PokerStars, Check
ControlClick, Check
SetTitleMatchMode, 3
IfWinExist, PokerStars,OK

IfWinExist,ahk_class #32770,OK
WinGetTitle, title,
Needle:=" "
StringGetPos,pos, title,%Needle%
If pos>=0
settitlematchmode, 2
StringLeft, tablename, title, %pos%
tname:="Tournament " . tablename
IfWinExist, %tname%,
ControlClick, OK, %title%,OK
SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A

Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlClick,x%CX% y%CY%,ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA
WinWait, Options
Winactivate, Options
SetControlDelay, -1
ControlClick, Button13, Options,,,,NA
SendInput C
sleep 100
ifwinactive, Options
winactivate, Options
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A

Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlClick,x%CX% y%CY%,ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA
WinWait, Options
Winactivate, Options
SetControlDelay, -1
ControlClick, Button13, Options,,,,NA
SendInput T
sleep 100
ifwinactive, Options
winactivate, Options
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A
Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlClick,x%CX% y%CY%,ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA
WinWait, Options
Winactivate, Options
SetControlDelay, -1
ControlClick, Button13, Options,,,,NA
sleep 100
Send {down 5}
Send {Enter}
WinWaitClose, Options,,1
If (!ErrorLevel)
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A
Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlClick,x%CX% y%CY%,ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA
WinWait, Options
Winactivate, Options
SetControlDelay, -1
ControlClick, Button13, Options,,,,NA
sleep 100
Send {down 6}
Send {Enter}
WinWaitClose, Options,,1
If (!ErrorLevel)
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A
Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlClick,x%CX% y%CY%,ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA
WinWait, Options
Winactivate, Options
SetControlDelay, -1
ControlClick, Button13, Options,,,,NA
sleep 100
Send {down 7}
Send {Enter}
WinWaitClose, Options,,1
If (!ErrorLevel)
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A
Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlClick,x%CX% y%CY%,ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA
WinWait, Options
Winactivate, Options
SetControlDelay, -1
ControlClick, Button13, Options,,,,NA
sleep 100
Send {down 8}
Send {Enter}
WinWaitClose, Options,,1
If (!ErrorLevel)
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A
Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlClick,x%CX% y%CY%,ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA
WinWait, Options
Winactivate, Options
SetControlDelay, -1
ControlClick, Button13, Options,,,,NA
sleep 100
Send {down 9}
Send {Enter}
WinWaitClose, Options,,1
If (!ErrorLevel)
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A
Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlClick,x%CX% y%CY%,ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA
WinWait, Options
Winactivate, Options
SetControlDelay, -1
ControlClick, Button13, Options,,,,NA
sleep 100
Send {down 10}
Send {Enter}
WinWaitClose, Options,,1
If (!ErrorLevel)
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A
Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlClick,x%CX% y%CY%,ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA
WinWait, Options
Winactivate, Options
SetControlDelay, -1
ControlClick, Button13, Options,,,,NA
sleep 100
Send {down 11}
Send {Enter}
WinWaitClose, Options,,1
If (!ErrorLevel)
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A
Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlClick,x%CX% y%CY%,ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA
WinWait, Options
Winactivate, Options
SetControlDelay, -1
ControlClick, Button13, Options,,,,NA
sleep 100
Send {down 12}
Send {Enter}
WinWaitClose, Options,,1
If (!ErrorLevel)
GroupAdd, Lobbies, Tournament.*Lobby
GroupClose Lobbies, A
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A

WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlClick, x%CX% y%CY%, ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA
WinWait, Options
SetControlDelay, -1
ControlClick, Button5, Options,,,,NA
WinWait, Instant Hand History,, 3
WinActivate, Instant Hand History
ControlFocus, PokerStarsViewClass1, Instant Hand History
send ^a
send ^c
FileAppend `n, %A_Desktop%\pokerstarsHH.txt
FileAppend %Clipboard%, %A_Desktop%\pokerstarsHH.txt
WinClose, Instant Hand History
ControlFocus, PokerStarsViewClass1, Instant Hand History
send ^a
send ^c
FileAppend `n, %A_Desktop%\pokerstarsHH.txt
FileAppend %Clipboard%, %A_Desktop%\pokerstarsHH.txt
If (MouseJump=true)

Gui, 2:Add, Text,, MouseJump: %T%
Gui, 2:+ToolWindow
Gui, 2:Show, w110 h20
Sleep, 1000
Gui, 2:Destroy
WinGet, V, List, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
Loop, %V%
ControlGet, Z, Visible,,PokerStarsSliderClass1, ahk_id %Y%
WingetTitle, T, ahk_id %Y%
If Z
WinActivate, ahk_id %Y%
Send !{Esc}
GroupActivate, PSTables
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A
ControlGetText MinRaiseAmount, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, ahk_id %WinID%
Transform, RawRaiseAmount, Round, MinRaiseAmount*1.25, 3
ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %RaiseAmount%, ahk_id %WinID%
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A
Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1,,ahk_id %WinID%
ControlFocus, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, ahk_id %WinID%
If ActOnActiveTable
WinGet, WinId, ID, A
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %WinID%
if class=PokerstarsTableFrameClass
Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID%
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, ahk_id %WinID%
SysGet, xbord, 32
SysGet, ybord, 33
SysGet, cap, 4
w := w - (2*xbord)
h := h - (2*ybord) - cap
Transform, X, Floor, W*0.59
Transform, Y, Floor, H*0.93
PostMessage, 0x201, 0x0001, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%WinID% PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%WinID% } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CheckCall: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID ;KeyWait, %A_ThisHotkey%, T.5 ;If errorlevel ;{ ;;Soundplay, *16 ;return ;} Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID% WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID% CX:= X*0.756 CY:= Y*.94 ControlClick, x%CX% y%CY%, ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA CX:= X*0.69 CY:= Y*0.87 ControlClick, x%CX% y%CY%, ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raise: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %WinID% if class=PokerstarsTableFrameClass { Winactivate, ahk_id %WinID% WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, ahk_id %WinID% SysGet, xbord, 32 SysGet, ybord, 33 SysGet, cap, 4 w := w - (2*xbord) h := h - (2*ybord) - cap Transform, X, Floor, W*0.8860 Transform, Y, Floor, H*0.9241 PostMessage, 0x201, 0x0001, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%WinID% PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%WinID% } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenLobby: WinActivate PokerStars Lobby WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, A MouseMove (X*0.5),(Y*0.5), 4 return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FoldToAnyBet: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetPos, A, B, w, h, ahk_id %WinID% SysGet, xbord, 32 SysGet, ybord, 33 SysGet, cap, 4 w := w - (2*xbord) h := h - (2*ybord) - cap Transform, X, Floor, W*0.0158 Transform, Y, Floor, H*0.6467 PostMessage, 0x201, 0x0001, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%winID% PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%winID% return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IncreaseBet150: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID ControlGetText MinRaiseAmount, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, ahk_id %WinID% Transform, RawRaiseAmount, Round, (MinRaiseAmount*1.5), 3 RaiseAmount:=RoundNum(RawRaiseAmount) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %RaiseAmount%, ahk_id %WinID% return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SitOutNext: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID% CX:=X*0.0213 CY:=Y*0.70 ControlClick, x%CX% y%CY%, ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SitOutNextAll: IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass WinGet, WinId, ID, A WinGet, list, List, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Loop, %list% { Z:=list%A_Index% WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %Z% Sittingout:=PixelColorA(0.8125,0.8621,Z) JoinWaitingList:=PixelColorA(0.8625,0.8621,Z) If (Sittingout=0x000000) OR (Sittingout=0xDFD9CE) OR (Sittingout=0xD2EBF3) OR (Sittingout=0xB3A39D) OR (Sittingout=0x9D9D9D) OR (Sittingout=0xCCCCCC) OR (Sittingout=0xDEDBCE) OR (Sittingout=0xB5A29c) OR (Sittingout=0xBDAEAD) OR (Sittingout=0xFCF8F2) If (JoinWaitingList!=0x000000) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0xDFD9CE) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0xDEDBCE) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0x0xB5A29c) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0xBDAEAD) sit:=true else { backx:=0.0141 backy:=0.6840 relStarsClientPointMax(Z, backx, backy) PostLeftClick(backx, backy, Z, 0) } } winactivate, ahk_id %winid% return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AllIn: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, 999999, ahk_id %WinID% If InstantAllin gosub, raise return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoPostBlind: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID% CX:=X*0.0213 CY:=Y*0.738 ControlClick, x%CX% y%CY%, ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenHHWindow: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID IfWinNotExist, Instant Hand History { WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID% CX:=X*0.5 CY:=Y*0.14655 SendInput {Click %CX%, %CY%} WinWait, Options SetControlDelay, -1 ControlClick, Button5, Options,,,,NA } else { WinClose, Instant Hand History } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GotoTable: ControlGet, Black, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass1, PokerStars Lobby If black { ControlGet, TLobby, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass9, PokerStars Lobby ControlGet, GotoTablebutton, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass10, PokerStars Lobby If (TLobby=1) { ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass9, PokerStars Lobby } else { If (GotoTablebutton=1) ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass10, PokerStars Lobby } } else { ControlGet, TLobby, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass8, PokerStars Lobby ControlGet, GotoTablebutton, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass9, PokerStars Lobby If (TLobby=1) { ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass8, PokerStars Lobby } else { If (GotoTablebutton=1) ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass9, PokerStars Lobby } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Register: ControlGet, Black, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass1, PokerStars Lobby If black { ControlGet, Registerbutton, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass8, PokerStars Lobby ControlGet, Unregister, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass6, PokerStars Lobby If (Registerbutton=1) { ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass8, PokerStars Lobby } else { If (Unregister=1) ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass6, PokerStars Lobby } } else { ControlGet, Registerbutton, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass7, PokerStars Lobby ControlGet, Unregister, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass5, PokerStars Lobby If (Registerbutton=1) { ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass7, PokerStars Lobby } else { If (Unregister=1) ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass5, PokerStars Lobby } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TournamentLobbyRegister: ControlGet, Register, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass6, Tournament.*Lobby ControlGet, Unregister, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass4, Tournament.*Lobby If (Register=1) { ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass6, Tournament.*Lobby } else { If (Unregister=1) ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass4, Tournament.*Lobby } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JoinWaitlist: ControlGet, Black, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass1, PokerStars Lobby If black { ControlGet, Join, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass4, PokerStars Lobby ControlGet, Leave, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass3, PokerStars Lobby If (Join=1) { ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass4, PokerStars Lobby SetControlDelay -1 ControlClick, Button1, Waiting List } else { If (Leave=1) ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass3, PokerStars Lobby } } else { ControlGet, Join, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass3, PokerStars Lobby ControlGet, Leave, Visible,, PokerStarsButtonClass2, PokerStars Lobby If (Join=1) { ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass3, PokerStars Lobby SetControlDelay -1 ControlClick, Button1, Waiting List } else { If (Leave=1) ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass2, PokerStars Lobby } } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cashier: IfWinExist Cashier { WinActivate Cashier SetControlDelay -1 ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass8, Cashier } else { WinActivate PokerStars Lobby WinMenuSelectItem, PokerStars Lobby,, Lobby, Cashier... } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DecreaseBet20: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID ControlGetText MinRaiseAmount, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, ahk_id %WinID% Transform, RawRaiseAmount, Round, (MinRaiseAmount*.8), 3 RaiseAmount:=RoundNum(RawRaiseAmount) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %RaiseAmount%, ahk_id %WinID% return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DecreaseBet33: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID ControlGetText MinRaiseAmount, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, ahk_id %WinID% Transform, RawRaiseAmount, Round, (MinRaiseAmount/3*2), 3 RaiseAmount:=RoundNum(RawRaiseAmount) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %RaiseAmount%, ahk_id %WinID% return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReloadMax: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetPos, A, B, X, Y, ahk_id %WinID% CX:=X*0.5 CY:=Y*0.145 ControlClick, x%CX% y%CY%, ahk_id %WinID%,,,,NA WinWait, Options SetControlDelay, -1 ControlClick, Button4, Options WinWait, Buy-in,,3 Control, Check,, Button1, Buy-in ControlClick, Button3, Buy-in return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CloseAllTables: GroupClose, PSTables, A Loop { WinWait, Table*,,1 WinActivate, Table* If (ErrorLevel=1) break SetControlDelay -1 ControlClick, Button1, Table* } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CloseActiveTable: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetTitle, Title, ahk_id %WinID% IfInString Title, Logged In as SittingAtTable:=true SetTitleMatchMode 2 WinClose, %Title% SetTitleMatchMode RegEx ;If SittingAtTable ;{ ;WinWaitActive, Table*,,2 ;SetControlDelay -1 ;ControlClick, Button1, Table* ;} return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetIncrement1: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %WinID% Slash := Instr(title, "/") + 2 Space := Instr(title, " ", false, Slash) BBLength := Space - Slash StringMid, Bigblind, title, Slash, BBLength IfInString, Bigblind, - { StringTrimRight, Bigblind, Bigblind, 1 } SetFormat, Float, 0.2 Transform, RaiseAmount, Round, Bigblind * Increment1, 2 ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %RaiseAmount%, ahk_id %WinID% If Instantxbb gosub, raise return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetIncrement2: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %WinID% Slash := Instr(title, "/") + 2 Space := Instr(title, " ", false, Slash) BBLength := Space - Slash StringMid, Bigblind, title, Slash, BBLength IfInString, Bigblind, - { StringTrimRight, Bigblind, Bigblind, 1 } SetFormat, Float, 0.2 Transform, RaiseAmount, Round, Bigblind * Increment2, 2 ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %RaiseAmount%, ahk_id %WinID% If Instantxbb gosub, raise return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetIncrement3: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %WinID% Slash := Instr(title, "/") + 2 Space := Instr(title, " ", false, Slash) BBLength := Space - Slash StringMid, Bigblind, title, Slash, BBLength IfInString, Bigblind, - { StringTrimRight, Bigblind, Bigblind, 1 } SetFormat, Float, 0.2 Transform, RaiseAmount, Round, Bigblind * Increment3, 2 ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %RaiseAmount%, ahk_id %WinID% If Instantxbb gosub, raise return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetIncrement4: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %WinID% Slash := Instr(title, "/") + 2 Space := Instr(title, " ", false, Slash) BBLength := Space - Slash StringMid, Bigblind, title, Slash, BBLength IfInString, Bigblind, - { StringTrimRight, Bigblind, Bigblind, 1 } SetFormat, Float, 0.2 Transform, RaiseAmount, Round, Bigblind * Increment4, 2 ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %RaiseAmount%, ahk_id %WinID% If Instantxbb gosub, raise return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetIncrement5: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %WinID% Slash := Instr(title, "/") + 2 Space := Instr(title, " ", false, Slash) BBLength := Space - Slash StringMid, Bigblind, title, Slash, BBLength IfInString, Bigblind, - { StringTrimRight, Bigblind, Bigblind, 1 } SetFormat, Float, 0.2 Transform, RaiseAmount, Round, Bigblind * Increment5, 2 ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %RaiseAmount%, ahk_id %WinID% If Instantxbb gosub, raise return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NumpadBetAmount: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID StringRight, n, A_ThisHotkey, 1 If A_ThisHotkey=NumpadDot n:="." ControlGetFocus, c, ahk_id %WinID% If c=PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1 ControlSend, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %n%, ahk_id %WinID% else { ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1,,ahk_id %WinID% ControlFocus, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, ahk_id %WinID% ControlSend, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %n%,ahk_id %WinID% } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NextWindow_Left: NextWindow_Left("ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass") return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NextWindow_Right: NextWindow_Right("ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass") return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NextWindow_Up: NextWindow_Up("ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass") return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NextWindow_Down: NextWindow_Down("ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass") return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NextWindow_Left_Alt1: ;if (debug) ; traytip,,Left_Alt1,2 NextWindow_Left("ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass") return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NextWindow_Right_Alt1: ;if (debug) ; traytip,,Right_Alt1,2 NextWindow_Right("ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass") return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NextWindow_Up_Alt1: ;if (debug) ; traytip,,Up_Alt1,2 NextWindow_Up("ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass") return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NextWindow_Down_Alt1: ;if (debug) ; traytip,,Down_Alt1,2 NextWindow_Down("ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass") return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Added by Amerzel ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlindBetSizeHotkey: If ActOnActiveTable WinGet, WinId, ID, A else MousegetPos,,,WinID WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %WinID% Slash := Instr(title, "/") + 2 Space := Instr(title, " ", false, Slash) BBLength := Space - Slash StringMid, Bigblind, title, Slash, BBLength IfInString, Bigblind, - { StringTrimRight, Bigblind, Bigblind, 1 } SetFormat, Float, 0.2 If (Bigblind == BigBlind0) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %BigBlind0Amt%, ahk_id %WinID% else If (Bigblind == BigBlind1) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %BigBlind1Amt%, ahk_id %WinID% else If (Bigblind == BigBlind2) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %BigBlind2Amt%, ahk_id %WinID% else If (Bigblind == BigBlind3) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %BigBlind3Amt%, ahk_id %WinID% else If (Bigblind == BigBlind4) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %BigBlind4Amt%, ahk_id %WinID% else If (Bigblind == BigBlind5) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %BigBlind5Amt%, ahk_id %WinID% else If (Bigblind == BigBlind6) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %BigBlind6Amt%, ahk_id %WinID% else If (Bigblind == BigBlind7) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %BigBlind7Amt%, ahk_id %WinID% else If (Bigblind == BigBlind8) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %BigBlind8Amt%, ahk_id %WinID% else If (Bigblind == BigBlind9) ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %BigBlind9Amt%, ahk_id %WinID% else { Transform, RaiseAmount, Round, Bigblind * BigBlindDefault, 2 ControlSetText, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, %RaiseAmount%, ahk_id %WinID% } If instantbbs gosub, raise return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RoundNum(x) { WinGetTitle, Title, A IfInString Title, Tournament { if X between 0 and 100 R:=5 if X between 100 and 400 R:=5 if X between 400 and 1000 R:=25 if X between 1000 and 3000 R:=50 if X between 3000 and 5000 R:=100 if X between 5000 and 20000 R:=200 if X between 20000 and 100000 R:=500 if X between 100000 and 200000 R:=1000 if X between 200000 and 500000 R:=2000 if X between 500000 and 1000000 R:=5000 if X between 1000000 and 200000000000000 R:=10000 } else { if X between 0 and 1 R:=0.01 if X between 1 and 2 R:=0.05 if X between 2 and 3 R:=0.1 if X between 3 and 10 R:=0.25 if X between 10 and 25 R:=0.5 if X between 25 and 50 R:=1 if X between 50 and 100 R:=2 if X between 100 and 400 R:=5 if X between 400 and 1000 R:=10 if X between 1000 and 5000 R:=25 if X between 5000 and 20000 R:=50 if X between 20000 and 100000000 R:=100 } SetFormat, float, 0.2 Transform V, Round, (X/R) N:=(V*R) return N } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Settings: Menu, HelpMenu, Add, Help, Help Menu, HelpMenu, Add, About, About Menu, Menubar, Add, Help, :HelpMenu Gui, Menu, MenuBar ; Gui, Add, Tab, x-4 y0 w500 h750 , Table Hotkeys|Blind Bet Size Hotkey|Other Hotkeys|Options Gui, Add, Text, x6 y30 w240 h20 , Fold Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y30 w240 h20 vFoldB, %FoldB% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y50 w240 h20 , Check/Call Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y50 w240 h20 vCheckCall, %CheckCall% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y70 w240 h20 , Raise Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y70 w240 h20 vRaise, %Raise% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y90 w240 h20 , All In Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y90 w240 h20 vAllIn, %AllIn% Gui, Add, CheckBox, x166 y90 w80 h20 Checked%instantallin% vinstantallin, Instant Bet Gui, Add, Text, x6 y110 w240 h20 , Increase Bet 25`% Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y110 w240 h20 vIncreaseBet125, %IncreaseBet125% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y130 w240 h20 , Decrease Bet 20`% Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y130 w240 h20 vDecreaseBet20, %DecreaseBet20% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y150 w240 h20 , Increase Bet 50`% Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y150 w240 h20 vIncreaseBet150, %IncreaseBet150% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y170 w240 h20 , Decrease Bet 33`% Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y170 w240 h20 vDecreaseBet33, %DecreaseBet33% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y190 w20 h20 , Bet Gui, Add, Edit, x26 y185 w25 h20 vincrement1, %increment1% Gui, Add, Text, x51 y190 w40 h20 , x BB Gui, Add, CheckBox, x166 y190 w80 h20 Checked%instantxbb% vinstantxbb, Instant Bet Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y190 w240 h20 vBetIncrement1, %BetIncrement1% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y210 w20 h20 , Bet Gui, Add, Edit, x26 y205 w25 h20 vincrement2, %increment2% Gui, Add, Text, x51 y210 w40 h20, x BB Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y210 w240 h20 vBetIncrement2, %BetIncrement2% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y230 w20 h20 , Bet Gui, Add, Edit, x26 y225 w25 h20 vincrement3, %increment3% Gui, Add, Text, x51 y230 w40 h20, x BB Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y230 w240 h20 vBetIncrement3, %BetIncrement3% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y250 w20 h20 , Bet Gui, Add, Edit, x26 y245 w25 h20 vincrement4, %increment4% Gui, Add, Text, x51 y250 w40 h20, x BB Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y250 w240 h20 vBetIncrement4, %BetIncrement4% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y270 w20 h20 , Bet Gui, Add, Edit, x26 y265 w25 h20 vincrement5, %increment5% Gui, Add, Text, x51 y270 w40 h20, x BB Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y270 w240 h20 vBetIncrement5, %BetIncrement5% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y290 w240 h20, Send Cursor To Bet Box Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y290 w240 h20 vFocusBetBox, %FocusBetBox% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y310 w240 h20 , Fold To Any Bet Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y310 w240 h20 vFoldToAnyBet, %FoldToAnyBet% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y330 w240 h20 , Sit Out Next Hand Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y330 w240 h20 vSitOutNext, %SitOutNext% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y350 w240 h20 , Sit Out On All Tables Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y350 w240 h20 vSitOutNextAll, %SitOutNextAll% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y370 w240 h20 , Open Hand History Window Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y370 w240 h20 vOpenHHWindow, %OpenHHWindow% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y390 w240 h20 , Save Hand History Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y390 w240 h20 vSaveHandHistory, %SaveHandHistory% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y410 w240 h20 , Rebuy For Full Amount Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y410 w240 h20 vReloadMax, %ReloadMax% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y430 w240 h20 , Tile Tables Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y430 w240 h20 vTile, %Tile% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y450 w240 h20 , Cascade Tables Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y450 w240 h20 vCascade, %Cascade% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y470 w240 h20 , Table Layout 1 Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y470 w240 h20 vLayout1, %Layout1% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y490 w240 h20 , Table Layout 2 Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y490 w240 h20 vLayout2, %Layout2% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y510 w240 h20 , Table Layout 3 Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y510 w240 h20 vLayout3, %Layout3% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y530 w240 h20 , Table Layout 4 Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y530 w240 h20 vLayout4, %Layout4% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y550 w240 h20 , Table Layout 5 Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y550 w240 h20 vLayout5, %Layout5% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y570 w240 h20 , Table Layout 6 Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y570 w240 h20 vLayout6, %Layout6% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y590 w240 h20 , Table Layout 7 Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y590 w240 h20 vLayout7, %Layout7% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y610 w240 h20 , Table Layout 8 Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y610 w240 h20 vLayout8, %Layout8% Gui, Add, Button, x205 y645 w50 h20 gSave,Save Gui, Add, Button, x260 y645 w55 h20 gCancel1,Cancel Gui, Tab, Other Hotkeys Gui, Font, S8 CDefault Bold, Verdana Gui, Add, Text, x6 y30 w240 h20 , Lobby Hotkeys Gui, Font, S8 CDefault norm, Verdana Gui, Add, Text, x6 y50 w240 h20 , Open Table or Tournament Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y50 w240 h20 vGotoTable, %GotoTable% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y70 w240 h20 , Register/Unregister Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y70 w240 h20 vRegister, %Register% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y90 w240 h20 , Waitlist Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y90 w240 h20 vJoinWaitlist, %JoinWaitlist% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y110 w240 h20 , Cashier Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y110 w240 h20 vCashier, %cashier% Gui, Font, S8 CDefault Bold, Verdana Gui, Add, Text, x6 y150 w240 h20 , Navigation Hotkeys Gui, Font, S8 CDefault norm, Verdana Gui, Add, CheckBox, x230 y150 w240 h20 checked%EnableJoyMovement% vEnableJoyMovement,Enable D-Pad Joystick Table Movement Gui, Add, Text, x6 y170 w240 h20 , Up Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y170 w120 h20 vNextWindow_Up, %NextWindow_Up% Gui, Add, Edit, x366 y170 w120 h20 vNextWindow_Up_Alt1, %NextWindow_Up_Alt1% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y190 w240 h20 , Down Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y190 w120 h20 vNextWindow_Down, %NextWindow_Down% Gui, Add, Edit, x366 y190 w120 h20 vNextWindow_Down_Alt1, %NextWindow_Down_Alt1% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y210 w240 h20 , Left Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y210 w120 h20 vNextWindow_Left, %NextWindow_Left% Gui, Add, Edit, x366 y210 w120 h20 vNextWindow_Left_Alt1, %NextWindow_Left_Alt1% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y230 w240 h20 , Right Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y230 w120 h20 vNextWindow_Right, %NextWindow_Right% Gui, Add, Edit, x366 y230 w120 h20 vNextWindow_Right_Alt1, %NextWindow_Right_Alt1% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y250 w240 h20 , Activate Next Table Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y250 w240 h20 vActivateNextWindow, %ActivateNextWindow% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y270 w240 h20 , Activate Bottom Table Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y270 w240 h20 vActivateBottomWindow, %ActivateBottomWindow% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y290 w240 h20 , Find Table Needing Action Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y290 w240 h20 vFindTableToAct, %FindTableToAct% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y310 w240 h20 , Open Lobby Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y310 w240 h20 vOpenLobby, %OpenLobby% Gui, Font, S8 CDefault Bold, Verdana Gui, Add, Text, x6 y350 w240 h20 , Miscellaneous Hotkeys Gui, Font, S8 CDefault norm, Verdana Gui, Add, Text, x6 y370 w240 h20 , Suspend Hotkeys Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y370 w240 h20 vSuspend, %Suspend% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y390 w240 h20 , Close All Tournament Lobbies Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y390 w240 h20 vCloseTournamentLobbies, %CloseTournamentLobbies% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y410 w240 h20 , Close Active Table Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y410 w240 h20 vCloseActiveTable, %CloseActiveTable% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y430 w240 h20 , Close All Tables Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y430 w240 h20 vCloseAllTables, %CloseAllTables% ;Gui, Add, Button, x205 y455 w40 h20 gSave,Save ;Gui, Add, Button, x250 y455 w45 h20 gcancel1,Cancel Gui, Add, Button, x205 y485 w50 h20 gSave,Save ; changed by cheese Gui, Add, Button, x260 y485 w55 h20 gcancel1,Cancel ; changed by cheese Gui, Tab, Options Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y30 w480 h20 Checked%MouseJump% vMouseJump, Move Mouse To Active Table Gui, Add, Text, x26 y50 w220 h20 , Toggle Mouse Jump Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y50 w240 h20 vTogglemousejump, %Togglemousejump% Gui, Add, CheckBox, x26 y70 w460 h20 Checked%SendCtrl% vSendCtrl, Send Ctrl After MouseJump Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y90 w480 h20 Checked%AutoRegister% vAutoRegister, AutoRegister for Tournaments Gui, Add, Text, x26 y110 w220 h20 , Toggle AutoRegister Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y110 w240 h20 vtoggleautoregister, %toggleautoregister% Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y130 w480 h20 Checked%CloseMsgBox% vcloseMsgBox, AutoClose Messge Boxes Gui, Add, Text, x26 y150 w220 h20 , Toggle AutoClose Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y150 w240 h20 vToggleCloseMsgBox, %ToggleCloseMsgBox% Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y170 w480 h20 Checked%ClickImBack% vClickImBack, Never Sit Out Gui, Add, Text, x26 y190 w220 h20 , Toggle Never Sit Out Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y190 w240 h20 vToggleClickImBack, %ToggleClickImBack% Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y210 w480 h20 Checked%SendNumpad% vSendNumpad, Send Numpad Characters To Bet Box Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y230 w480 h20 Checked%CheckwhenFree% vCheckwhenFree, Never Fold For Free Gui, Add, Radio, x6 y250 w480 h20 vActOnActiveTable Checked%ActOnActiveTable%, Send Actions To Active Table Gui, Add, Radio, x6 y270 w480 h20 vActOnTableUnderMouse Checked%ActOnTableUnderMouse%, Send Actions To Table Under Mouse Cursor Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y290 w480 h20 Checked%activatetableundermouse% vactivatetableundermouse, Autoactivate Table Under Mouse Cursor Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y310 w480 h20 Checked%autoopeninfo% vautoopeninfo, Automatically Open Info Tab Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y330 w480 h20 Checked%autorefreshinfo% vautorefreshinfo, Automatically Refresh Info Tab Gui, Add, Radio, x26 y390 w480 h20 Checked%ClassicTheme% vClassicTheme, Classic Theme Gui, Add, Radio, x26 y410 w480 h20 Checked%BlackTheme% vBlackTheme, Black Theme Gui, Add, Radio, x26 y430 w480 h20 Checked%SlickTheme% vSlickTheme, Slick Theme Gui, Add, Radio, x26 y450 w480 h20 Checked%CustomTheme% vCustomTheme, Custom Theme Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y350 w480 h20 Checked%highlightactivetable% vhighlightactivetable,Highlight Active Table Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y370 w480 h20 Checked%TakeSeat% vTakeSeat, Auto take seat Gui, Add, Button, x205 y475 w50 h20 gSave,Save Gui, Add, Button, x260 y475 w55 h20 gcancel1,Cancel ; Variable raise sizes based on size of big blind. Added by Amerzel Gui, Tab, Blind Bet Size Hotkey Gui, Add, Text, x6 y30 w240 h40 , Hotkey to use for raise size based on size of big blind Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y30 w240 h20 vBlindBetSizeHotkey, %BlindBetSizeHotkey% Gui, Add, CheckBox, x246 y50 w80 h20 Checked%instantbbs% vinstantbbs, Instant Bet Gui, Add, Text, x6 y90 w240 h20 , Big Blind Size Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y110 w140 h20 vBigBlind0, %BigBlind0% Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y130 w140 h20 vBigBlind1, %BigBlind1% Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y150 w140 h20 vBigBlind2, %BigBlind2% Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y170 w140 h20 vBigBlind3, %BigBlind3% Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y190 w140 h20 vBigBlind4, %BigBlind4% Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y210 w140 h20 vBigBlind5, %BigBlind5% Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y230 w140 h20 vBigBlind6, %BigBlind6% Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y250 w140 h20 vBigBlind7, %BigBlind7% Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y270 w140 h20 vBigBlind8, %BigBlind8% Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y290 w140 h20 vBigBlind9, %BigBlind9% Gui, Add, Text, x156 y90 w240 h20 , Amount to Raise to Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y110 w140 h20 vBigBlind0Amt, %BigBlind0Amt% Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y130 w140 h20 vBigBlind1Amt, %BigBlind1Amt% Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y150 w140 h20 vBigBlind2Amt, %BigBlind2Amt% Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y170 w140 h20 vBigBlind3Amt, %BigBlind3Amt% Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y190 w140 h20 vBigBlind4Amt, %BigBlind4Amt% Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y210 w140 h20 vBigBlind5Amt, %BigBlind5Amt% Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y230 w140 h20 vBigBlind6Amt, %BigBlind6Amt% Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y250 w140 h20 vBigBlind7Amt, %BigBlind7Amt% Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y270 w140 h20 vBigBlind8Amt, %BigBlind8Amt% Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y290 w140 h20 vBigBlind9Amt, %BigBlind9Amt% Gui, Add, Text, x6 y330 w240 h40 , Default Multiplier to Use if BB Not Defined Above Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y330 w140 h20 vBigBlindDefault, %BigBlindDefault% Gui, Add, Button, x205 y645 w55 h20 gSave,Save Gui, Add, Button, x265 y645 w60 h20 gCancel1,Cancel Gui, Show, x131 y91 h750 w500, Stars Hotkeys Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subm: Gui,1:Submit, NoHide if autoon boff:=true return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help: run return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- about: Msgbox StarsHotkeys V1.008a Wickss' 1.008 version with Cheesemonkey and Amerzel additions return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GuiClose: Gosub, Save return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reload: Reload return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save: Gui, Submit FileDelete, StarsHotkeys.ini Writeini() Reload return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cancel1: Gui, Destroy Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quit: ExitApp Edit: Edit Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClickImBack() { global ClickImBack Settitlematchmode,2 If ClickImBack { winget,list,list, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass loop %list% { back_x:=0.8125 back_y:=0.8621 id:=list%A_index% col:=PixelColorA(back_x,back_y,id) stringsplit,c,col,- Sittingout:=c1 JoinWaitingList:=c2 If (Sittingout=0x000000) OR (Sittingout=0xDFD9CE) OR (Sittingout=0xD2EBF3) OR (Sittingout=0xB3A39D) OR (Sittingout=0x9D9D9D) OR (Sittingout=0xCCCCCC) OR (Sittingout=0xDEDBCE) OR (Sittingout=0xB5A29c) OR (Sittingout=0xBDAEAD) OR (Sittingout=0x343434) OR (Sittingout=0x444444) OR (Sittingout=0x333333) If (JoinWaitingList!=0x000000) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0xDFD9CE) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0xDEDBCE) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0x0xB5A29c) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0xBDAEAD) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0x1f1f1f) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0x343434) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0x0202020) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0xe6e6e6) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0xdddddd) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0x1e1e1e) AND (JoinWaitingList!=0xb0b0b0) { relstarsclientpointmax(id,back_x,back_y) postleftclick(back_x,back_y,id,0) } } } Return } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ToggleClickImBack: If ClickImBack { ClickImBack:=False T=Off } else { ClickImBack:=True T=On } Gui, 2:Add, Text,, Never Sit Out: %T% Gui, 2:+ToolWindow Gui, 2:Show, w110 h20 Sleep, 1000 Gui, 2:Destroy return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ToggleCloseMsgBox: If (CloseMsgBox=true) { CloseMsgBox:=false T=Off } else { CloseMsgBox:=true T=On } Gui, 2:Add, Text,, AutoClose Message Box: %T% Gui, 2:+ToolWindow Gui, 2:Show, w150 h20 Sleep, 1000 Gui, 2:Destroy return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ToggleAutoRegister: If (AutoRegister=true) { AutoRegister:=false T=Off } else { AutoRegister:=true T=On } Gui, 2:Add, Text,, AutoRegister: %T% Gui, 2:+ToolWindow Gui, 2:Show, w110 h20 Sleep, 1000 Gui, 2:Destroy return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DefineHotKeys() { Global If FoldB { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %FoldB%, FoldB } If CheckCall { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %CheckCall%,CheckCall } If Raise { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Raise%, Raise } ; Added by Amerzel If BlindBetSizeHotkey { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %BlindBetSizeHotkey%, BlindBetSizeHotkey } If AllIn { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %AllIn%, AllIn } If DecreaseBet33 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %DecreaseBet33%, DecreaseBet33 } If SitOutNext { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %SitOutNext%, SitOutNext } If SitOutNextAll { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %SitOutNextAll%, SitOutNextAll } If IncreaseBet150 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %IncreaseBet150%, IncreaseBet150 } If DecreaseBet20 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %DecreaseBet20%, DecreaseBet20 } If IncreaseBet125 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %IncreaseBet125%,IncreaseBet125 } If BetIncrement1 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %BetIncrement1%,BetIncrement1 } If BetIncrement2 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %BetIncrement2%,BetIncrement2 } If BetIncrement3 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %BetIncrement3%,BetIncrement3 } If BetIncrement4 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %BetIncrement4%,BetIncrement4 } If BetIncrement5 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %BetIncrement5%,BetIncrement5 } If FocusBetBox { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %FocusBetBox%, FocusBetBox } If ReloadMax { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %ReloadMax%, ReloadMax } If FoldToAnyBet { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %FoldToAnyBet%, FoldToAnyBet } If Cashier { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Cashier%, Cashier Hotkey, IfWinActive, Tournament.*Lobby Hotkey, %Cashier%, Cashier Hotkey, IfWinActive, PokerStars Lobby Hotkey, %Cashier%, Cashier Hotkey, IfWinActive, Cashier Hotkey, %Cashier%, Cashier Hotkey, IfWinActive, Instant Hand History Hotkey, %Cashier%, Cashier } If Cascade { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Cascade%, Cascade } If Tile { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Tile%, Tile } If Layout1 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Layout1%, Layout1 } If Layout2 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Layout2%, Layout2 } If Layout3 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Layout3%, Layout3 } If Layout4 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Layout4%, Layout4 } If Layout5 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Layout5%, Layout5 } If Layout6 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Layout6%, Layout6 } If Layout7 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Layout7%, Layout7 } If Layout8 { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %Layout8%, Layout8 } If CloseTournamentLobbies { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %CloseTournamentLobbies%, CloseTournamentLobbies Hotkey, IfWinActive, Tournament.*Lobby Hotkey, %CloseTournamentLobbies%, CloseTournamentLobbies Hotkey, IfWinActive, PokerStars Lobby Hotkey, %CloseTournamentLobbies%, CloseTournamentLobbies Hotkey, IfWinActive, Cashier Hotkey, %CloseTournamentLobbies%, CloseTournamentLobbies Hotkey, IfWinActive, Instant Hand History Hotkey, %CloseTournamentLobbies%, CloseTournamentLobbies } If OpenHHWindow { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %OpenHHWindow%, OpenHHWindow Hotkey, IfWinActive, Instant Hand History Hotkey, %OpenHHWindow%, OpenHHWindow } If SaveHandHistory { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %SaveHandHistory%, SaveHandHistory Hotkey, IfWinActive, Instant Hand History Hotkey, %SaveHandHistory%, HHSaveHandHistory } If ToggleMouseJump { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %ToggleMouseJump%, ToggleMouseJump } If ToggleClickImBack { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %ToggleClickImBack%, ToggleClickImBack } If ToggleAutoRegister { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %ToggleAutoRegister%, ToggleAutoRegister Hotkey, IfWinActive, Tournament.*Lobby Hotkey, %ToggleAutoRegister%, ToggleAutoRegister Hotkey, IfWinActive, PokerStars Lobby Hotkey, %ToggleAutoRegister%, ToggleAutoRegister Hotkey, IfWinActive, Cashier Hotkey, %ToggleAutoRegister%, ToggleAutoRegister Hotkey, IfWinActive, Instant Hand History Hotkey, %ToggleAutoRegister%, ToggleAutoRegister } If ToggleCloseMsgbox { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %ToggleCloseMsgbox%, ToggleCloseMsgbox Hotkey, IfWinActive, Tournament.*Lobby Hotkey, %ToggleCloseMsgbox%, ToggleCloseMsgbox Hotkey, IfWinActive, PokerStars Lobby Hotkey, %ToggleCloseMsgbox%, ToggleCloseMsgbox Hotkey, IfWinActive, Cashier Hotkey, %ToggleCloseMsgbox%, ToggleCloseMsgbox Hotkey, IfWinActive, Instant Hand History Hotkey, %ToggleCloseMsgbox%, ToggleCloseMsgbox } If OpenLobby { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %OpenLobby%, OpenLobby Hotkey, IfWinActive, Tournament.*Lobby Hotkey, %OpenLobby%, OpenLobby Hotkey, IfWinActive, Instant Hand History Hotkey, %OpenLobby%, OpenLobby } If CloseActiveTable { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %CloseActiveTable%, CloseActiveTable } If CloseAllTables { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %CloseAllTables%, CloseAllTables } If SendNumpad { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, Numpad0, NumpadBetAmount Hotkey, Numpad1, NumpadBetAmount Hotkey, Numpad2, NumpadBetAmount Hotkey, Numpad3, NumpadBetAmount Hotkey, Numpad4, NumpadBetAmount Hotkey, Numpad5, NumpadBetAmount Hotkey, Numpad6, NumpadBetAmount Hotkey, Numpad7, NumpadBetAmount Hotkey, Numpad8, NumpadBetAmount Hotkey, Numpad9, NumpadBetAmount Hotkey, NumpadDot, NumpadBetAmount } If NextWindow_Up { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %NextWindow_Up%, NextWindow_Up } If NextWindow_Down { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %NextWindow_Down%, NextWindow_Down } If NextWindow_Left { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %NextWindow_Left%, NextWindow_Left } If NextWindow_Right { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %NextWindow_Right%, NextWindow_Right } If NextWindow_Up_Alt1 ; added by CheeseMoney for joystick movement { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %NextWindow_Up_Alt1%, NextWindow_Up_Alt1 } If NextWindow_Down_Alt1 ; added by CheeseMoney for joystick movement { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %NextWindow_Down_Alt1%, NextWindow_Down_Alt1 } If NextWindow_Left_Alt1 ; added by CheeseMoney for joystick movement { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %NextWindow_Left_Alt1%, NextWindow_Left_Alt1 } If NextWindow_Right_Alt1 ; added by CheeseMoney for joystick movement { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %NextWindow_Right_Alt1%, NextWindow_Right_Alt1 } If ActivateBottomWindow { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %ActivateBottomWindow%, ActivateBottomWindow Hotkey, IfWinActive, Tournament.*Lobby Hotkey, %ActivateBottomWindow%, ActivateBottomWindow Hotkey, IfWinActive, PokerStars Lobby Hotkey, %ActivateBottomWindow%, ActivateBottomWindow Hotkey, IfWinActive, Cashier Hotkey, %ActivateBottomWindow%, ActivateBottomWindow Hotkey, IfWinActive, Instant Hand History Hotkey, %ActivateBottomWindow%, ActivateBottomWindow } If ActivateNextWindow { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %ActivateNextWindow%, ActivateNextWindow Hotkey, IfWinActive, Tournament.*Lobby Hotkey, %ActivateNextWindow%, ActivateNextWindow Hotkey, IfWinActive, PokerStars Lobby Hotkey, %ActivateNextWindow%, ActivateNextWindow Hotkey, IfWinActive, Cashier Hotkey, %ActivateNextWindow%, ActivateNextWindow Hotkey, IfWinActive, Instant Hand History Hotkey, %ActivateNextWindow%, ActivateNextWindow } If FindTableToAct { HotKey, IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass Hotkey, %FindTableToAct%, FindTableToAct Hotkey, IfWinActive, PokerStars Lobby Hotkey, %FindTableToAct%, FindTableToAct } If Register { Hotkey, IfWinActive, PokerStars Lobby Hotkey, %Register%, Register Hotkey, IfWinActive, Tournament.*Lobby Hotkey, %Register%, TournamentLobbyRegister } If GotoTable { Hotkey, IfWinActive, PokerStars Lobby Hotkey, %GotoTable%, GotoTable } If JoinWaitlist { Hotkey, IfWinActive, PokerStars Lobby Hotkey, %JoinWaitlist%, JoinWaitlist } If Suspend { Hotkey, IfWinActive Hotkey, %Suspend%, Suspend } } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadIni() { global IfNotExist, StarsHotKeys.ini CreateIni() IniRead, CloseMsgBox,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options,CloseMsgBox, 0 IniRead, CheckWhenFree,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options,CheckWhenFree, 0 IniRead, AutoRegister,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options,AutoRegister, 0 IniRead, MouseJump,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, MouseJump,0 IniRead, ClickImBack,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, ClickImBack,0 IniRead, SendNumpad,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, SendNumpad,0 IniRead, SendCtrl,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, SendCtrl,0 IniRead, ActOnActiveTable,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, ActOnActiveTable,0 IniRead, EnableJoyMovement,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, EnableJoyMovement, 0 IniRead, HighlightActiveTable, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, HighlightActiveTable, 0 If ActOnActiveTable ActOnTableUnderMouse:=False Else ActOnTableUnderMouse:=True IniRead, instantallin,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, instantallin,0 IniRead, instantxbb,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, instantxbb,0 IniRead, activatetableundermouse,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, activatetableundermouse,0 IniRead, autoopeninfo,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, autoopeninfo,0 IniRead, autorefreshinfo,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, autorefreshinfo,0 IniRead, TakeSeat,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, TakeSeat,0 IniRead, BlackTheme,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, BlackTheme,0 IniRead, ClassicTheme,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, ClassicTheme,0 IniRead, SlickTheme,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, SlickTheme,0 IniRead, CustomTheme,StarsHotKeys.ini, Options, CustomTheme,0 IniRead, increment1,StarsHotKeys.ini, increments, increment1,0 IniRead, increment2,StarsHotKeys.ini, increments, increment2,0 IniRead, increment3,StarsHotKeys.ini, increments, increment3,0 IniRead, increment4,StarsHotKeys.ini, increments, increment4,0 IniRead, increment5,StarsHotKeys.ini, increments, increment5,0 IniRead, FocusBetBox,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, FocusBetBox,%A_Space% IniRead, FoldB,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, FoldB,%A_Space% IniRead, CheckCall,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, CheckCall,%A_Space% IniRead, Raise,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Raise,%A_Space% IniRead, Allin,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Allin,%A_Space% IniRead, DecreaseBet33,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, DecreaseBet33,%A_Space% IniRead, SitOutNext,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, SitOutNext,%A_Space% IniRead, SitOutNextAll,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, SitOutNextAll,%A_Space% IniRead, IncreaseBet150,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, IncreaseBet150,%A_Space% IniRead, DecreaseBet20,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, DecreaseBet20,%A_Space% IniRead, IncreaseBet125,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, IncreaseBet125,%A_Space% IniRead, BetIncrement1,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, BetIncrement1,%A_Space% IniRead, BetIncrement2,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, BetIncrement2,%A_Space% IniRead, BetIncrement3,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, BetIncrement3,%A_Space% IniRead, BetIncrement4,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, BetIncrement4,%A_Space% IniRead, BetIncrement5,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, BetIncrement5,%A_Space% IniRead, ReloadMax,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, ReloadMax,%A_Space% IniRead, FoldToAnyBet,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, FoldToAnyBet,%A_Space% IniRead, Cashier,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Cashier,%A_Space% IniRead, Cascade,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Cascade,%A_Space% IniRead, Tile,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Tile,%A_Space% IniRead, CloseTournamentLobbies,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, CloseTournamentLobbies,%A_Space% IniRead, OpenHHWindow,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, OpenHHWindow,%A_Space% IniRead, SaveHandHistory,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, SaveHandHistory,%A_Space% IniRead, Layout1,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout1,%A_Space% IniRead, Layout2,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout2,%A_Space% IniRead, Layout3,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout3,%A_Space% IniRead, Layout4,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout4,%A_Space% IniRead, Layout5,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout5,%A_Space% IniRead, Layout6,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout6,%A_Space% IniRead, Layout7,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout7,%A_Space% IniRead, Layout8,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout8,%A_Space% IniRead, ToggleMouseJump,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMouseJump,%A_Space% IniRead, ToggleClickImBack,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleClickImBack,%A_Space% IniRead, ToggleAutoRegister,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleAutoRegister,%A_Space% IniRead, ToggleCloseMsgBox,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleCloseMsgBox,%A_Space% IniRead, OpenLobby,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, OpenLobby,%A_Space% IniRead, CloseActiveTable,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, CloseActiveTable,%A_Space% IniRead, CloseAllTables,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, CloseAllTables,%A_Space% IniRead, NextWindow_Up,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Up,%A_Space% IniRead, NextWindow_Down,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Down,%A_Space% IniRead, NextWindow_Left,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Left,%A_Space% IniRead, NextWindow_Right,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Right,%A_Space% IniRead, NextWindow_Up_Alt1,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Up_Alt1,%A_Space% IniRead, NextWindow_Down_Alt1,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Down_Alt1,%A_Space% IniRead, NextWindow_Left_Alt1,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Left_Alt1,%A_Space% IniRead, NextWindow_Right_Alt1,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Right_Alt1,%A_Space% IniRead, ActivateBottomWindow,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, ActivateBottomWindow,%A_Space% IniRead, ActivateNextWindow,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, ActivateNextWindow,%A_Space% IniRead, FindTableToAct,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, FindTableToAct,%A_Space% IniRead, GotoTable,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, GotoTable,%A_Space% IniRead, Register,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Register,%A_Space% IniRead, JoinWaitlist,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, JoinWaitlist,%A_Space% IniRead, Suspend,StarsHotKeys.ini, Hotkeys, Suspend,%A_Space% ; Added by Amerzel IniRead, BlindBetSizeHotkey,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BlindBetSizeHotkey,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind0,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind0,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind1,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind1,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind2,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind2,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind3,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind3,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind4,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind4,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind5,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind5,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind6,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind6,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind7,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind7,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind8,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind8,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind9,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind9,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind0Amt,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind0Amt,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind1Amt,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind1Amt,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind2Amt,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind2Amt,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind3Amt,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind3Amt,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind4Amt,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind4Amt,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind5Amt,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind5Amt,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind6Amt,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind6Amt,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind7Amt,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind7Amt,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind8Amt,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind8Amt,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlind9Amt,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind9Amt,%A_Space% IniRead, BigBlindDefault,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlindDefault,%A_Space% IniRead, instantbbs,StarsHotKeys.ini, BlindBetSize, instantbbs,0 } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CreateIni() { global CloseMsgBox:=True CheckWhenFree:=True AutoRegister:=True MouseJump:=False ClickImBack:=True SendNumpad:=True SendCtrl:=True ActOnActiveTable:=True activatetableundermouse:=False instantallin:=False increment1:=2.5 increment2:=3 increment3:=4 increment4:=5 increment5:=6 NextWindow_Up_Alt1=f14 NextWindow_Down_Alt1=f16 NextWindow_Left_Alt1=f13 NextWindow_Right_Alt1=f15 ActivateBottomWindow=PgDn ActivateNextWindow=PgUp ; Added by Amerzel BigBlind0=20 BigBlind1=30 BigBlind2=50 BigBlind3=100 BigBlind4=150 BigBlind5=200 BigBlind6=400 BigBlind7=600 BigBlind8=800 BigBlind9=1200 BigBlindDefault=2.5 WriteIni() } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WriteIni() { global If CloseMsgBox IniWrite, %CloseMsgBox%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, CloseMsgBox If CheckWhenFree IniWrite, %CheckWhenFree%, StarsHotkeys.ini,Options, CheckWhenFree If AutoRegister IniWrite, %AutoRegister%, StarsHotkeys.ini,Options, AutoRegister If MouseJump IniWrite, %MouseJump%, StarsHotkeys.ini,Options, MouseJump If ClickImBack IniWrite, %ClickImBack%, StarsHotkeys.ini,Options,ClickImBack If SendNumpad IniWrite, %Sendnumpad%, StarsHotkeys.ini,Options, SendNumpad If SendCtrl IniWrite, %SendCtrl%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, SendCtrl If NeverFoldForFree IniWrite, %NeverFoldForFree%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, NeverFoldForFree If ActOnActiveTable IniWrite, %ActOnActiveTable%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, ActOnActiveTable If activatetableundermouse IniWrite, %activatetableundermouse%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, activatetableundermouse If autorefreshinfo IniWrite, %autorefreshinfo%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, autorefreshinfo If autoopeninfo IniWrite, %autoopeninfo%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, autoopeninfo If BlackTheme IniWrite, %BlackTheme%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, BlackTheme If ClassicTheme IniWrite, %ClassicTheme%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, ClassicTheme If SlickTheme IniWrite, %SlickTheme%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, SlickTheme If CustomTheme IniWrite, %CustomTheme%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, CustomTheme If TakeSeat IniWrite, %TakeSeat%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, TakeSeat If instantallin IniWrite, %instantallin%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, instantallin If instantxbb IniWrite, %instantxbb%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, instantxbb If HighlightActiveTable ; added by CheeseMoney IniWrite, %HighlightActiveTable%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, HighlightActiveTable If EnableJoyMovement IniWrite, %EnableJoyMovement%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, EnableJoyMovement If increment1 IniWrite, %increment1%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Increments, Increment1 If increment2 IniWrite, %increment2%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Increments, Increment2 If increment3 IniWrite, %increment3%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Increments, Increment3 If increment4 IniWrite, %increment4%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Increments, Increment4 If increment5 IniWrite, %increment5%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Increments, Increment5 If FocusBetBox IniWrite, %FocusBetBox%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, FocusBetBox If FoldB IniWrite, %FoldB%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, FoldB If CheckCall IniWrite, %CheckCall%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, CheckCall If Raise IniWrite, %Raise%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Raise If Allin IniWrite, %Allin%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Allin If DecreaseBet33 IniWrite, %DecreaseBet33%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, DecreaseBet33 If SitOutNext IniWrite, %SitOutNext%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, SitOutNext If SitOutNextAll IniWrite, %SitOutNextAll%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, SitOutNextAll If IncreaseBet125 IniWrite, %IncreaseBet125%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, IncreaseBet125 If DecreaseBet20 IniWrite, %DecreaseBet20%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, DecreaseBet20 If IncreaseBet150 IniWrite, %IncreaseBet150%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, IncreaseBet150 If BetIncrement1 IniWrite, %BetIncrement1%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, BetIncrement1 If BetIncrement2 IniWrite, %BetIncrement2%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, BetIncrement2 If BetIncrement3 IniWrite, %BetIncrement3%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, BetIncrement3 If BetIncrement4 IniWrite, %BetIncrement4%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, BetIncrement4 If BetIncrement5 IniWrite, %BetIncrement5%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, BetIncrement5 If ReloadMax IniWrite, %ReloadMax%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, ReloadMax If FoldToAnyBet IniWrite, %FoldToAnyBet%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, FoldToAnyBet If Cashier IniWrite, %Cashier%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Cashier If Cascade IniWrite, %Cascade%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Cascade If Tile IniWrite, %Tile%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Tile If CloseTournamentLobbies IniWrite, %CloseTournamentLobbies%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, CloseTournamentLobbies If OpenHHWindow IniWrite, %OpenHHWindow%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, OpenHHWindow If SaveHandHistory IniWrite, %SaveHandHistory%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, SaveHandHistory If Layout1 IniWrite, %Layout1%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout1 If Layout2 IniWrite, %Layout2%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout2 If Layout3 IniWrite, %Layout3%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout3 If Layout4 IniWrite, %Layout4%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout4 If Layout5 IniWrite, %Layout5%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout5 If Layout6 IniWrite, %Layout6%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout6 If Layout7 IniWrite, %Layout7%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout7 If Layout8 IniWrite, %Layout8%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Layout8 If ToggleMouseJump IniWrite, %ToggleMouseJump%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMouseJump If ToggleClickImBack IniWrite, %ToggleClickImBack%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleClickImBack If ToggleAutoRegister IniWrite, %ToggleAutoRegister%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleAutoRegister If ToggleCloseMsgBox IniWrite, %ToggleCloseMsgBox%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleCloseMsgBox If OpenLobby IniWrite, %OpenLobby%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, OpenLobby If CloseActiveTable IniWrite, %CloseActiveTable%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, CloseActiveTable If CloseAllTables IniWrite, %CloseAllTables%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, CloseAllTables If NextWindow_Up IniWrite, %NextWindow_Up%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Up If NextWindow_Down IniWrite, %NextWindow_Down%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Down If NextWindow_Left IniWrite, %NextWindow_Left%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Left If NextWindow_Right IniWrite, %NextWindow_Right%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Right If NextWindow_Up_Alt1 ; added by Cheesemoney for joystick control IniWrite, %NextWindow_Up_Alt1%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Up_Alt1 If NextWindow_Down_Alt1 ; added by Cheesemoney for joystick control IniWrite, %NextWindow_Down_Alt1%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Down_Alt1 If NextWindow_Left_Alt1 ; added by Cheesemoney for joystick control IniWrite, %NextWindow_Left_Alt1%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Left_Alt1 If NextWindow_Right_Alt1 ; added by Cheesemoney for joystick control IniWrite, %NextWindow_Right_Alt1%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, NextWindow_Right_Alt1 If ActivateBottomWindow IniWrite, %ActivateBottomWindow%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, ActivateBottomWindow If ActivateNextWindow IniWrite, %ActivateNextWindow%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, ActivateNextWindow If FindTableToAct IniWrite, %FindTableToAct%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, FindTableToAct If GotoTable IniWrite, %GotoTable%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, GotoTable If Register IniWrite, %Register%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Register If JoinWaitlist IniWrite, %JoinWaitlist%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, JoinWaitlist If Suspend IniWrite, %Suspend%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Suspend IniWrite, %fold%, StarsHotkeys.ini, options, fold ; Added by Amerzel If BlindBetSizeHotkey IniWrite, %BlindBetSizeHotkey%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BlindBetSizeHotkey If BigBlind0 IniWrite, %BigBlind0%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind0 If BigBlind1 IniWrite, %BigBlind1%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind1 If BigBlind2 IniWrite, %BigBlind2%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind2 If BigBlind3 IniWrite, %BigBlind3%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind3 If BigBlind4 IniWrite, %BigBlind4%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind4 If BigBlind5 IniWrite, %BigBlind5%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind5 If BigBlind6 IniWrite, %BigBlind6%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind6 If BigBlind7 IniWrite, %BigBlind7%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind7 If BigBlind8 IniWrite, %BigBlind8%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind8 If BigBlind9 IniWrite, %BigBlind9%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind9 If BigBlind0Amt IniWrite, %BigBlind0Amt%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind0Amt If BigBlind1Amt IniWrite, %BigBlind1Amt%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind1Amt If BigBlind2Amt IniWrite, %BigBlind2Amt%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind2Amt If BigBlind3Amt IniWrite, %BigBlind3Amt%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind3Amt If BigBlind4Amt IniWrite, %BigBlind4Amt%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind4Amt If BigBlind5Amt IniWrite, %BigBlind5Amt%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind5Amt If BigBlind6Amt IniWrite, %BigBlind6Amt%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind6Amt If BigBlind7Amt IniWrite, %BigBlind7Amt%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind7Amt If BigBlind8Amt IniWrite, %BigBlind8Amt%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind8Amt If BigBlind9Amt IniWrite, %BigBlind9Amt%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlind9Amt If BigBlindDefault IniWrite, %BigBlindDefault%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, BigBlindDefault If instantbbs IniWrite, %instantbbs%, StarsHotkeys.ini, BlindBetSize, instantbbs If AutoOn IniWrite, %AutoOn%, StarsHotkeys.ini, Options, AutoOn } ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Highlight() { global OldActiveWinID := ActiveWinID OldX := ActiveX OldY := ActiveY OldW := ActiveW OldH := ActiveH ActiveWinID := WinExist("A") WinGetActiveStats,ActiveTitle, ActiveW, ActiveH, ActiveX, ActiveY WinGetClass, ActiveWinClass, A WinGet, WinProcess, ProcessName, A ;traytip,,activeWinID: %ActiveWinID%`nClass: %ActiveWinClass% ;if ((WinProcess = "PokerStars.exe") ) if (ActiveWinClass = "PokerStarsTableFrameClass") { If (OldActiveWinID <> ActiveWinID) || ((OldX <> ActiveX || OldY <> ActiveY || OldW <> ActiveW || OldH <> ActiveH))
else ; if ((ActiveWinClass != "PokerStarsTableFrameClass"))
gui, 99:destroy

Drawborder(Win = "A")
borderthickness = 13
;borderColor = Purple
borderColor = FF00A0 ; light purple
borderTrans = 200
Gui, 99:+ToolWindow -SysMenu -Caption +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, 99:Color, %borderColor%
Gui, 99:Show, Hide x1 y1 w1 h1 NA, borderGuard
WinSet, Transparent, %borderTrans%, borderGuard

SysGet, SM_CYCAPTION, 4 ;get height of caption area
SysGet, SM_CYEDGE, 46 ;thickness of the 3-d border

Critical, On
WinGetClass, aClass, A
WinGetActiveTitle, aTitle

DetectHiddenWindows, Off
WinGetPos, ax, ay, aw, ah, ahk_id %Win%; redundant
DetectHiddenWindows, On

old_ax := ax, old_ay := ay, old_aw := aw, old_ah := ah ;save the size and pos state vars

currColor := %currBox%_borderColor
Gui, 99:Color, %borderColor% ;%currColor% ;set the color

WinGet, winState, MinMax, A
If(winState = 1) ;1 = Maximized
;Gui, 99:Hide ; added by Cheese
Gui, 99:Destroy ; added by Cheese
old_ax = 0 ;added by Cheese - reset one of the size and pos state vars
Critical Off

Else If(winState = -1) ;-1 = minimized
;Gui, 99:Hide
Gui, 99:Destroy
old_ax = 0 ;reset one of the size and pos state vars
Else ;neither maximized nor minimized
iw := aw + borderThickness ;set w,h for inner rect
ih := ah + borderThickness
iw1 := aw + (borderThickness*2) ;set w,h for outer rect
ih1 := ah + (borderThickness*2)
ix := ax - borderThickness
iy := ay - borderThickness

WinSet, Region, 0-0 %iw1%-0 %iw1%-%ih1% 0-%ih1% 0-0 %borderThickness%-%borderThickness% %iw%-%borderThickness% %iw%-%ih% %borderThickness%-%ih% %borderThickness%-%borderThickness%, borderGuard ;create gui with a hollow center

Gui, 99:Show, x%ix% y%iy% w%iw1% h%ih1% NA ;size and position the border gui
WinActivate ahk_id%win%
Critical Off

relStarsClientPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y)
global border
global caption
rw := 792
rh := 546
WinGetPos, , , w, h, ahk_id%id%
w := w - (2*border)
h := h - (2*border) - caption

x := Floor( (x / rw ) * w )
y := Floor( (y / rh) * h )


relStarsClientPointMax(id, ByRef x, ByRef y)
SysGet, xbord, 32
SysGet, ybord, 33
SysGet, cap, 4
WinGetPos, , , w, h, ahk_id%id%
w := w - (2*xbord)
h := h - (2*ybord) - cap
Transform, X, Floor, W*x
Transform, Y, Floor, H*y
; This Section Taken From BetPot, Thanks to Dave, Juk, Roland, and I'm sure others...

;Juks rocks
PostLeftClick(x, y, table_id, activate=1) {
; ### JUK: Send the down left click, then the mouse-up messages.
; NOTE: This is relative to the top left of the client area and NOT the top left of the
; window (ie: It *doesn't* include the title-bar like AHK's MouseClick does!!!).
If activate
WinActivate, ahk_id%table_id%
PostMessage, 0x201, 0x0001, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id% } PostStarsClick(x, y, id) { relStarsClientPoint(id, x, y) PostLeftClick(x, y, id) } CallStars(id) { PostStarsClick(600,533,id) } RaiseStars(id) { PostStarsClick(730,520,id) } FoldStars(id) { PostStarsClick(415,501,id) } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;End BetPot.ahk Section ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Joystick Bindkeys ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; for some reason, these seem to have to be defined ;;;; ; even though they don't do anything, and are handled ; above (see NextWindow_Up_Alt1, etc...) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; F13:: F14:: F15:: F16:: return ~^!q:: ExitApp return PixelColorA(colx,coly,id) { global back_x1 SysGet, xbord, 32 SysGet, ybord, 33 SysGet, cap, 4 hdc_frame := DllCall( "GetDC", UInt,id ) hdc_buffer := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleDC", UInt, hdc_frame) WinGetPos,,, W, H, ahk_id %id% hbm_buffer := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleBitmap", UInt,hdc_frame, Int,w, Int,h) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\SelectObject", UInt,hdc_buffer, UInt,hbm_buffer) DllCall( "PrintWindow", "UInt" , id , "UInt" , hdc_buffer , "UInt" , 0 ) DllCall("RedrawWindow","UInt",id,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"UInt", 1|128|1024) x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*colx) + xbord) y:=floor(((H-(2*ybord)-cap)*coly) + ybord + cap) pix := DllCall("GetPixel", UInt, hdc_buffer, Int, x , Int, y) x:=floor(((W-2*xbord)*back_x1) + xbord) pix1 := DllCall("GetPixel", UInt, hdc_buffer, Int, x , Int, y) SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex pix += 0 pix .= "" pix1 += 0 pix1 .= "" SetFormat, IntegerFast, d pix.="-" . pix1 DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "uint", hbm_buffer ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\ReleaseDC" , "uint", hdc_frame ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteDC" , "uint", hdc_frame ) DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteDC" , "uint", hdc_buffer ) return pix } ;===================================================================== ;===================================================================== /* License: * NextWindow v0.1 by Xander * GNU General Public License 3.0 or higher: * * Usage: * Navigate windows that match the specified title. * * Listeners: * Supports Listening for a specific class that has been activated by defining an OnActivate_%class% subroutine. * * Example: * #IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad * Left:: NextWindow_Left("ahk_class Notepad") * Right:: NextWindow_Right("ahk_class Notepad") * Up:: NextWindow_Up("ahk_class Notepad") * Down:: NextWindow_Down("ahk_class Notepad") * * Listener Example: * GroupAdd, Windows, ahk_class Notepad * GroupAdd, Windows, ahk_class TfPSPad * #IfWinActive ahk_group Windows * Left:: NextWindow_Left("ahk_group Windows") * Right:: NextWindow_Right("ahk_group Windows") * Up:: NextWindow_Up("ahk_group Windows") * Down:: NextWindow_Down("ahk_group Windows") * OnActivate_TfPSPad: * MsgBox, PSPad was activated * return */ NextWindow_Calc(ByRef perp, ByRef parallel, ByRef id, ByRef min, ByRef minID) { parallel /= 2 d := Sqrt(parallel*parallel+perp*perp) if (d < min) { min := d minID := id } } NextWindow_Activate(Byref id1, ByRef id2, Byref id3) { local id := id1 ? id1 : id2 ? id2 : id3 ? id3 : "" if !id return WinActivate, ahk_id %id% local window WinGetClass, window, ahk_id %id% window := "OnActivate_" . window if IsLabel(window) GoSub, %window% } NextWindow_Left(title) { WinGet, cId, ID, A ;WinGetPos, cX, cY, cw, cH, ahk_id %cid% WinGetPos, cX, cY, , cH cH_half := cH/2 min := A_ScreenWidth minRight := min maxY := 0 maxX := 0 WinGet windows, List, %title% Loop, %windows% { id := windows%A_Index% if (id == cID) continue WinGetPos, x, y, w, , ahk_id %id% dx := cX - x if (dx < 0) { dx := A_ScreenWidth - x - w if (dx < 0) dx := 0 dy := y - cY if (dy < 0) NextWindow_Calc(dy, dx, id, minRight, minRightID) } else if (dx > 9) {
dy := abs(cY - y)
if (dy < cH_half) NextWindow_Calc(dy, dx, id, min, minID) } if (y >= maxY) {
if (x >= maxX || y > maxY + cH) {
maxX := x
maxY := y
oppID := id
NextWindow_Activate(minId, minRightID, oppID)

NextWindow_Right(title) {
WinGet, cId, ID
WinGetPos, cX, cY, , cH
cH_half := cH/2
min := A_ScreenWidth
minLeft := min
minY := min
minX := min
WinGet windows, List, %title%
Loop, %windows% {
id := windows%A_Index%
if (id == cID)
WinGetPos, x, y, w, , ahk_id %id%
dx := x - cX
if (dx < 0) { dx := x if (dx < 0) dx := 0 dy := cY - y if (dy < 0) NextWindow_Calc(dy, dx, id, minLeft, minLeftID) } else if (dx > 9) {
dy := abs(cY - y)
if (dy < cH_half) NextWindow_Calc(dy, dx, id, min, minID) } if (y <= minY) { if (x <= minX || y < minY - cH_half) { minX := x minY := y oppID := id } } } NextWindow_Activate(minId, minLeftID, oppID) } NextWindow_Up(title) { WinGet, cID, ID WinGetPos, cX, cY, cW cW_half := cW/2 min := A_ScreenHeight minDown := min minX := min maxY := 0 WinGet windows, List, %title% Loop, %windows% { id := windows%A_Index% if (id == cID) continue WinGetPos, x, y, , h, ahk_id %id% dy := cY - y if (dy < 0) { dy := A_ScreenHeight - y - h if (dy < 0) dy := 0 dx := cX - x if (dx < 0) NextWindow_Calc(dx, dy, id, minDown, minDownId) } else if (dy > 9) {
dx := abs(cX - x)
if (dx < cW_half) NextWindow_Calc(dx, dy, id, min, minID) } if (x <= minX) { if (y >= maxY || x < minX - cW_half) { minX := x maxY := y oppID := id } } } NextWindow_Activate(minId, minDownID, oppID) } NextWindow_Down(title) { WinGet, cID, ID WinGetPos, cX, cY, cW cW_half := cW/2 min := A_ScreenWidth minUp := min maxX := 0 minY := min WinGet windows, List, %title% Loop, %windows% { id := windows%A_Index% if (id == cID) continue WinGetPos, x, y, , , ahk_id %id% dy := y - cY dx := x - cX if (dy < 0) { dy := y if (dy < 0) dy := 0 dx := x - cX if (dx < 0) NextWindow_Calc(dx, dy, id, minUp, minUpID) } else if (dy > 9) {
dx := abs(cX - x)
if (dx < cW_half) NextWindow_Calc(dx, dy, id, min, minID) } if (x >= maxX) {
if (y <= minY || x > maxX + cW_half) {
maxX := x
minY := y
oppID := id
NextWindow_Activate(minId, minUpID, oppID)

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